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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Antichrist will appear among Shiites, not Muslims

Relating to my personal research on the Biblical Antichrist, I conclude beyond reasonable doubt that the Antichrist as prophesied in the Bible and by the Prophet, Muhammad, is both Moshiach of the Jews and The Twelth Imam of the Shiites.

Shiism of Khomeini diverges considerably in creed from Islam of the Prophet, Muhammad, and it is heartbreaking to see so-called Christian scholars slandering Islam based on perversions of Shiite Ayatollahs.

The Antichrist will initially emerge in Iran as The New Cyrus and The Twelth Imam and will then enter Israel to be crowned as Moshiach of the Zionists and finally Christ of The Holy See!

The Antichrist is our future universal tribulation, not just of the Muslims or Jews or Christians!

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